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Onto to a new place

I know I am late at posting this, but it really is never too late to blog! Of course I have many things to update you on, but this one is only going to be about one.

Way back in February, Spencer and I started looking for a new place to live as our lease was coming to an end. Everywhere we looked (online mostly) appeared to be amazing, until we read the reviews or actually drove by. Each time we got a bad feeling and onto the next place we went. Now, #10 was great, but we wanted a few updates. We wanted a fresh smelling apartment, a little extra space, and a bathroom with no mold growing on the ceiling due to an awkward window and no fan. Was that too much to ask? Well I guess it was until we had the idea to go talk to our current landlord to see if they had any openings in a different building. As I walked in I was nervous to hear, "Sorry, we don't have any more openings". They were working on a new building with 16 brand new apartments and we had seen people move it. Thinking we were out of luck we got the good news that there were two that were "almost done" and two that needed more work. First of all these were supposed to be done around October, and to know that there were some left was a pure blessing. I went home and waited to tell Spencer the news. We would need to put a deposit down asap so it would secure a place. It was 100 sq ft bigger and about $120 more a month. We thought about it hard and knew that this is where we were supposed to stay. We went back the next day and put a deposit down. Now our prayers turned to please let it be done on time so that we wouldn't be stranded at the end of March.

Well our prayers were answered. We got a phone call that following Tuesday that said our lease was ready to sign. The next day we signed our lease and had keys to our new apartment. As we took the tour, we fell in love with so many things. Of course we needed to then act fast and decide when we were to move in. This will probably be the quickest move of our lives. We started packing up that evening, I moved the things that would fit in my car and the things that I could lift the next two days. On Saturday, with the help of our family, we were able to move 100 yards (give or take some) away in less than two hours. We are so grateful for them to be willing to drop what they were doing and help us out! It went by fast, but by the end of the night, things were organized and put away. Granted we don't have a lot of stuff, but it was nice to have everything done. We cleaned #10 on Monday and turned in our keys. Whew!

Apartment #13 has been wonderful, literally! We have so much space, or at least to us it's a lot, to move around without climbing on top of each other. We have a kitchen that you could lay on the ground and take a nap. We have a pantry! In our other apartment, we shoved our food in our cupboards. We have a dishwasher that works and doesn't leak water every other time we use it. We have much more light (we are west facing) and it's awesome. Our bathroom has a fan, and wait for it.. no windows!!! We have a cute little deck with more storage off to the side. We have a large bedroom, and a huge walk-in closet. One day we will put a washer and dryer in there, but for now we use it as a catch all. We have 720 sq. ft. of a brand new, fresh smelling, homey apartment. We are so grateful for this small, yet simple blessing.

Now for some things to get used to:
With our small move, we are now in a new ward, which is fine but we sure are going to miss our old ward. Instead of having a sliding door and thick blinds in our room, we now have a window. This window lets in so much light from the outside lights on the building, it's annoying. I need to get curtains. We are still getting used to not washing our dishes by hand ha ha (not really). We have loud neighbors. I feel like I can hear every word our neighbors are saying. Maybe it was because in #10 there were old and single or younger single people surrounding us. The outlets in the bedroom are in weird places and we have to have lots of extension cords to make things work.
Do you want to see it?
Our living room, most of it

Our kitchen, most of it

Looking from the kitchen to our bedroom

Our huge closet

Isn't it lovely? We sure love it and it is going to be our home for at least a year. Sorry for the poor quality of pictures. Anyway friends, remember to, "Go forth and do!"


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