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Showing posts from March, 2015

Onto to a new place

I know I am late at posting this, but it really is never too late to blog! Of course I have many things to update you on, but this one is only going to be about one. Way back in February, Spencer and I started looking for a new place to live as our lease was coming to an end. Everywhere we looked (online mostly) appeared to be amazing, until we read the reviews or actually drove by. Each time we got a bad feeling and onto the next place we went. Now, #10 was great, but we wanted a few updates. We wanted a fresh smelling apartment, a little extra space, and a bathroom with no mold growing on the ceiling due to an awkward window and no fan. Was that too much to ask? Well I guess it was until we had the idea to go talk to our current landlord to see if they had any openings in a different building. As I walked in I was nervous to hear, "Sorry, we don't have any more openings". They were working on a new building with 16 brand new apartments and we had seen people move it. ...

Living with Type 1 diabetes

Hey friends! This blog is dedicated to all of those who are suffering from yet living a full  and normal life with Type 1 diabetes. With a life long disease, isn't it wonderful to live in a time where we will find a cure one day for this disease? The technology is amazing and continues to help all of those who who have diabetes live a normal life. I would like to explain what it is like living with an autoimmune disease such as Type 1 diabetes. A normal day for a diabetic: Wake up, shower, get ready Test blood sugar, good number Prepare breakfast Count carbs Bolus Prepare lunch Count carbs Go to work Drink water Lunch time Test blood sugar, good number Bolus Back to work Drink water Clock out, go home Test blood sugar Go to the gym Test blood sugar, good number Eat snack Count Carbs Bolus Prepare dinner Test blood sugar, good number Eat dinner Count carbs Bolus Get ready for bed Test blood sugar, good number, no snack Go to bed Repeat. Wait... that...