Merry Christmas one and all! This is one of my most favorite times of the year, and for those of you who know me, know I take a ton of pictures. So I decided to not spam your Facebook feed or Instagram feed with all of my pictures. So this is why I am blogging, to share more than I already have! December is always a crazy time of the year, and as usual goes by way too fast. Soon it will be 2016, and boy do we have a lot in store for us. So what have we done this December? -We started it off by doing lots of preparing for end of the semester, and both of us going back to school by saving money, applying for new jobs/promotions, and enjoying the time we could spend with each other. One tradition we have started and hope to keep up is going to the Festival of Trees. This year did not disappoint and I loved reading all of the stories about the trees that were donated. This tradition holds a special place in my heart as all the proceeds go to Primary Children's Hospital. Every year I ...
This blog is for those who want to be lifted up and have a good laugh or a smile put on their faces. I want to help those who are down, to feel better about themselves and to know that there is someone who cares.