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Oh dear May

Although I have been loving the Spring weather, this past week has been quite the rush. I am grateful for the gift of patience and the love and support from my family. I hope all of you have had a great May, and as June approaches, I must admit I am thrilled! So as usual grab some grub, sit back and enjoy!

- Summer semester started! I love school, but I am happy to say that this is the last summer semester I will be taking until I go on to further my education. This one is going to be packed full of "exciting" things! Ha ha I have a full schedule (why!!!) but I am having a great time so far. My schedule is fairly easy, I have classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Most of my credits consist of my internship, then I have Facilitating Healthy Behaviors, and Intro to Grant Writing (ah this one is a killer!). 12 weeks... 12 weeks! That's all then I will be done! One of my classes is a block class and is over in a few short weeks (June 19th!). Although I have class, I won't let it get in the way of having fun. So if July 31st could come faster I would love it!

- My sweet Spencer got me my first Angels Shirt, I love it! On May 18th we celebrated our "8" months, can you believe it's been that long since our first date? I am so lucky to have him in my life! Love you darling!

- I went to my cousin Blake's farewell on Sunday, he did an AMAZING job! I know he will be a great missionary out there in West Virginia. The spirit was so strong, I had the chills the whole time.

- Ok, now for a long story... Ready? On Saturday night, Spencer was dropping me off from our date night and we realized my mom's truck was gone. I didn't think much of it and didn't go up to my parents room to find out why. I fell asleep for a few short hours and as I was getting ready my mom came in my bathroom. She then informed me that she was out last night at the hospital with my Grandma B. (Which explains why the truck was missing) The doctors had diagnosed my Grandma with congestive heart failure. I wanted to start crying, but for my mom's sake, I held my tears in. My mom looked exhausted and drained. I had no idea how this would impact my whole families life. She was doing better on Monday, however on Tuesday she went in for surgery to get a pacemaker. After work on Tuesday, I got ready and took a shower, and made it just in time to see my grandma before her surgery. Although my grandma does silly things like wearing wolf shirts, eating sugar cookies and potato chips, and not putting her wig on straight, I am very, very close to her. I walked in and she just looked sick and very sad. They prepped her for surgery minutes after I arrived. I waited in the hall and they wheeled her out. My mom, Kelsey, Kenton and myself hugged her goodbye and wished her luck. Both Kelsey and I noticed that there were a few tears coming out of her eyes as we told her we loved her. We sat in the waiting room for a while. I came home before she was through, it was just over two hours until she came out. I found out that after she woke up, she wanted food because she was hungry. On Wednesday night during my late class, I received a text from my Aunt Rhonda explaining that she went in for another surgery and after three hours they were able to fix the problem. She has so much scar tissue on her heart that the pacemaker could not do its job. Frankly, she is lucky to be alive. I am so grateful for my family and I love them with all of my heart, I can only hope that my Grandma B gets better fast!

- I went to the Imagine Dragons concert with Cierra Bell! I was so excited for this night, we bought our tickets months ago, and finally it came. Before we got in line we got Red Mango smoothies.... oh my Lanta, those were so delicious! We only waited in line for about 30 minutes. We met up with Matt Waters from work and squoze our way up to the front, near the stage and right in the middle. The first two bands were... ok, but obviously they were not who I came for. As soon as Imagine Dragons came on everyone freaked out! Of course we all got squooshed up to the front and literally we were on top of each other. This poor girl in front of me broke down and I think she had an anxiety attack. The music was awesome! I loved every minute of it! When I thought I was going to lose it, Cierra and I moved to the back. Fresh air!!!! Then the best moment of the night happened! Radioactive, a favorite song of pretty much everyone was played. It was amazing! Then Dan Reynolds started floating in air and then played the drums! Oh my, it was so awesome! Anyway, that night was super fun and a few short hours I woke up to open at work.

I hope I didn't bore you with my long blog post! I had a lot to say ha ha, be expecting another one soon, I am headed to St. George form Memorial Day Weekend! Remember my friends, Go Forth and Do~


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