Friends! Well once again I don't really have a great theme for this blog, but this one might make you laugh! So I want to apologize about the randomness of my blogging!
Being a girl, it is natural to make a "list of future husband characteristics". Well, as I have looked through my journals through the my growing up, my lists have changed. I found one that I had written when I was twelve, I had to laugh out loud at what I put. I was young and had no idea what love was, and to be honest, I knew nothing of what I wanted in a spouse. I am almost positive that what I thought what I wanted was based off of animated Disney heroes!
List of a 12 year old me:
-My height - Curly hair -Green eyes -Mormon -Eagle Scout
-Big muscles -Good style -Funny -Cute -Has a job
Now, when I read this short list of characteristics, I just giggled, and said "Wow!" Oh being 12 and immature, this really proved I had no idea what I wanted. I moved on to another journal and found yet again, another list of characteristics that I wanted in my spouse. This time I was a little more grown up, ha I was 17. Here's to a young life!
List of a wishing 17 year old me:
-Tall -Dark Hair -Tan skin -Returned missionary -Sense of humor -Priesthood holder -Has a reasonable job -Caring -Handsome -Athletic -Adventurous -Great listener -Has a car Can drive -Singer -Ripped Abs -Loves camping -Loves to cook -Inventive
Well, this list was a bit more reasonable, but I didn't put all of the qualities that I listed. I sure expedted a lot of things out of my future husband. My list kept going and going. At this point I still had no idea what love was, and at this point in my life had just experienced my first kiss. I look back on those years and laugh at what could have been. This is what I call puppy dog love. All of these qualities are great and some of them I even kept. Not that I am any older now, but this time as I sat down and wrote my list, is was short and made me really really think about what I want in my future spouse. I realized that he will not only by my spouse, but my best friend, my eternal companion, my husband. I am enjoying the single life, but one day, I will no longer have to fantasize about what it will be like to have my prince charming. I will find my happily ever after soon enough! Here is to finding "the one"
List of a waiting 20year old me:
-Priesthood holder -Temple worthy -Desire to be a father -Returned Missionary -Treats me like a princess -Adventurous -Handsome -Can make me laugh -Has an education -Loves to cuddle -Will hold my hand (all the time) -Call me beautiful when I look like crap -Be a good example to me and our family.... -The rest.... TO BE DETERMINED!
I know this list is weird, but this is the start of what I want in a husband, I will come to know the rest of the qualities when I find the guy. I can make a list and try and find him that way, but I had to be realistic, not one guy could have all of the characteristics, I am sure that my list will no longer matter when I find him! I do want certain things such as the five on my last list, those are very important to me. Well where ever he may be, I have learned over the years to be patient, and that he will come and it will be a happily every after!
Being a girl, it is natural to make a "list of future husband characteristics". Well, as I have looked through my journals through the my growing up, my lists have changed. I found one that I had written when I was twelve, I had to laugh out loud at what I put. I was young and had no idea what love was, and to be honest, I knew nothing of what I wanted in a spouse. I am almost positive that what I thought what I wanted was based off of animated Disney heroes!
List of a 12 year old me:
-My height - Curly hair -Green eyes -Mormon -Eagle Scout
-Big muscles -Good style -Funny -Cute -Has a job
Now, when I read this short list of characteristics, I just giggled, and said "Wow!" Oh being 12 and immature, this really proved I had no idea what I wanted. I moved on to another journal and found yet again, another list of characteristics that I wanted in my spouse. This time I was a little more grown up, ha I was 17. Here's to a young life!
List of a wishing 17 year old me:
-Tall -Dark Hair -Tan skin -Returned missionary -Sense of humor -Priesthood holder -Has a reasonable job -Caring -Handsome -Athletic -Adventurous -Great listener -Has a car Can drive -Singer -Ripped Abs -Loves camping -Loves to cook -Inventive
Well, this list was a bit more reasonable, but I didn't put all of the qualities that I listed. I sure expedted a lot of things out of my future husband. My list kept going and going. At this point I still had no idea what love was, and at this point in my life had just experienced my first kiss. I look back on those years and laugh at what could have been. This is what I call puppy dog love. All of these qualities are great and some of them I even kept. Not that I am any older now, but this time as I sat down and wrote my list, is was short and made me really really think about what I want in my future spouse. I realized that he will not only by my spouse, but my best friend, my eternal companion, my husband. I am enjoying the single life, but one day, I will no longer have to fantasize about what it will be like to have my prince charming. I will find my happily ever after soon enough! Here is to finding "the one"
List of a waiting 20year old me:
-Priesthood holder -Temple worthy -Desire to be a father -Returned Missionary -Treats me like a princess -Adventurous -Handsome -Can make me laugh -Has an education -Loves to cuddle -Will hold my hand (all the time) -Call me beautiful when I look like crap -Be a good example to me and our family.... -The rest.... TO BE DETERMINED!
I know this list is weird, but this is the start of what I want in a husband, I will come to know the rest of the qualities when I find the guy. I can make a list and try and find him that way, but I had to be realistic, not one guy could have all of the characteristics, I am sure that my list will no longer matter when I find him! I do want certain things such as the five on my last list, those are very important to me. Well where ever he may be, I have learned over the years to be patient, and that he will come and it will be a happily every after!
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