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Showing posts from May, 2012

Come what may....

Friends! Well once again I don't really have a great theme for this blog, but this one might make you laugh! So I want to apologize about the randomness of my blogging! Being a girl, it is natural to make a "list of future husband characteristics". Well, as I have looked through my journals through the my growing up, my lists have changed. I found one that I had written when I was twelve, I had to laugh out loud at what I put. I was young and had no idea what love was, and to be honest, I knew nothing of what I wanted in a spouse. I am almost positive that what I thought what I wanted was based off of animated Disney heroes! List of a 12 year old me: -My height               - Curly hair              -Green eyes            -Mormon          ...

Hey so... yeah!

Well... I SURVIVED SPRING SEMESTER! I am so thrilled I get a break from school, although it is very short this year, it is much needed! I will be taking summer classes this year, only part time, but hopefully I will have enough spirit to do it! Ha I cannot even begin to tell you how excited I was to take my last final. It was for my hardest class, and I have never studied so hard in my life. For this test a lone I studied for hours upon hours upon hours. I had three other tests to take, and somehow, I studied more for physiology than all of my other classes combined. I was bound and determined to pass this test. I get to the room all shaky and stuff, I just wanted to get it done. I sat next to my cousin Skylar and for some reason that made me feel better about taking the test. The test... So I have Type 1 Diabetes, and Celiac Disease, I normally get flustered that I have both, and wonder how in the world I survive sometimes, but on this test, there were questions that brought up both....