So... 11 years ago I was in a terrible bike accident, and today... I was finally able to get the smile of my dreams. Through much pain and swelling and patience, I am where I am today! I could not be happier, and frankly I have never stopped smiling. Gap or not, I can't stop this smile from appearing, try smiling all day long its a great face work-out! There is one thing I still need to do, I need to match the color of the canine teeth to the rest of my teeth, but that will only take bleaching. This has been quite the journey, but in the long run, so so worth it! I keep looking at them, because they are different, and even tough for the last six months I have had no gap, these are the real ones and they look beautiful. My dentist did a great job and he and his team helped me stay calm through the whole thing. So parents, and even those who aren't parents, always remember to put helmets on you and your children! So now my new motto is, SMILE BIG NO MATTER WHAT! This will help build your self-esteem, and let others know that you are confident with yourself! People you are beautiful (or handsome) inside and out! Never let anyone tell you different!
(This is me right after my accident, 11 years ago)(Day of first surgery)
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