There are times in my life that have been so frustrating, times that make me cry, and times that make me in a bad mood. I am sure that all of you have had some days like this... I've come to realize that all these things are just part of life. I have made a list of things that have helped me cope with dealing with the moments in life that make me have to stop and remember to breathe. I can only hope my list will help you in some way.
(These are not listed in order, and I don't do them all everyday...)
-The moment I start to feel the frustration arise, I go get a cold drink of water, it helps to cool the body and rejuvenate the brain.
-I try reading something entertaining... NOT HOMEWORK OR ANATOMY!!! It helps me relax and start to think of other things, making me calm, even if it's 20 minutes, it works! Try it!
-I eat fresh veggies or protein like string cheese, lettuce wraps, or almonds. When you get stressed or frustrated, your blood sugar rises, as does your blood pressure. Your first instinct is to go get some fast and simple sugars or some carbonated drink- yes these work but only for a little bit, they don't last and are not good for you. When eating fresh veggies or protein, the sugar intake is low and takes a while for it to be broken down into sugar and lasts much longer for energy use. I promise it will help your attention span improve while doing homework, or studying, plus it's healthy!
-I go on a walk, it makes you think about things, and it always wakes me up. Even if it's only a few minutes, it burns calories and will help you burn off the heat you just worked up getting angry.
-Finally, I stick on some music... you know the good stuff with great air guitar parts! I was not gifted with the talent of singing, but it's fun to belt out lyrics that you love... since I can't sing I also like to dance because I can't do that either, so with both combined it's way fun! I now live in the basement and it's my territory! It's fun to get my heart rate up and make a fool out of myself because, this is our secret... no one knows that I do it! This is a fun way to get you moving, like what I said about walking, it works and re-boosts your energy status. Try doing this before you study for a test, or take a test, or do homework, it helps get oxygen to your brain- helping you really begin to start focusing.
I hope that you guys try a few of these when you begin to get frustrated about anything... (from homework, to testing, to a bad day at work) the sky is the limit with frustrations ha ha. I love you all so much and thank you for reading my blog, please feel free to leave comments on if these things worked or what you like to do to cool down from being steamed up! You guys can do anything you set your mind to, I just know it! So if you can't sing... DANCE!
(These are not listed in order, and I don't do them all everyday...)
-The moment I start to feel the frustration arise, I go get a cold drink of water, it helps to cool the body and rejuvenate the brain.
-I try reading something entertaining... NOT HOMEWORK OR ANATOMY!!! It helps me relax and start to think of other things, making me calm, even if it's 20 minutes, it works! Try it!
-I eat fresh veggies or protein like string cheese, lettuce wraps, or almonds. When you get stressed or frustrated, your blood sugar rises, as does your blood pressure. Your first instinct is to go get some fast and simple sugars or some carbonated drink- yes these work but only for a little bit, they don't last and are not good for you. When eating fresh veggies or protein, the sugar intake is low and takes a while for it to be broken down into sugar and lasts much longer for energy use. I promise it will help your attention span improve while doing homework, or studying, plus it's healthy!
-I go on a walk, it makes you think about things, and it always wakes me up. Even if it's only a few minutes, it burns calories and will help you burn off the heat you just worked up getting angry.
-Finally, I stick on some music... you know the good stuff with great air guitar parts! I was not gifted with the talent of singing, but it's fun to belt out lyrics that you love... since I can't sing I also like to dance because I can't do that either, so with both combined it's way fun! I now live in the basement and it's my territory! It's fun to get my heart rate up and make a fool out of myself because, this is our secret... no one knows that I do it! This is a fun way to get you moving, like what I said about walking, it works and re-boosts your energy status. Try doing this before you study for a test, or take a test, or do homework, it helps get oxygen to your brain- helping you really begin to start focusing.
I hope that you guys try a few of these when you begin to get frustrated about anything... (from homework, to testing, to a bad day at work) the sky is the limit with frustrations ha ha. I love you all so much and thank you for reading my blog, please feel free to leave comments on if these things worked or what you like to do to cool down from being steamed up! You guys can do anything you set your mind to, I just know it! So if you can't sing... DANCE!
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