I know most of you won't care about this post, but I know my future self will be grateful for it. Potty training is so tricky and it really tested my patience. I know everyone experiences it differently and each kid is different. I did a bunch of research on tricks and tips. I didn't just stick to one, I tried a few different ones and even combined some. Let's start from the beginning. Spencer and I wanted to have Evie potty trained before our new little one arrives. I can't even begin to tell you how many people told me I should wait until the new baby came. A good chunk of these same people told me Evie was too young (she is 22 months) and it wasn't worth my time to even try. Here's the thing; I kind of get why people told me these things, but it really made me doubt my abilities to teach Evie a hard task. Let's all be kind and not mom shame those who try things differently and earlier than others. I am with her all day, every day and paid attention to a...
This blog is for those who want to be lifted up and have a good laugh or a smile put on their faces. I want to help those who are down, to feel better about themselves and to know that there is someone who cares.